Site Activity

  • Lisa Hoag became a registered member   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Michael Klatsky became a registered member   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Daniel Lieberman and Jan Morgan are now friends   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Daniel Lieberman became a registered member   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Shalini Bahl became a registered member   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • SerahRose Roth wrote a new blog post: Fly with Us: We’re Twittering the Summit   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Jan Morgan became a registered member   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • SerahRose Roth wrote a new blog post: A New Economic Model. Discuss.   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Karen spotted this article recently from the New Economics Institute. Here’s how it starts out:

    The critical role for economic theory is no longer simply to explain how the existing system works, but also to explore how the economic system can be changed to become more adaptive and resilient in the face of the challenges of the 21st […]

  • SerahRose Roth posted on the forum topic Rethinking Economy in the Pioneer Valley in the group Summit Topics:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • KarenRibeiro joined the group IRL (In Real Life) Networking, Connections and Growth   13 years, 9 months ago · View

  • KarenRibeiro posted an update in the group National discussion:   13 years, 9 months ago · View

    Dr. Neva Rockefeller Dr. Goodwin, an economist and Co-Chair of the Global Development And Environment Institute at Tufts University addressed an All-Party Parliamentary Group on the need for new kinds of economic thinking to meet our current environmental and social challenges.
    Her remarks on this occasion were based on her paper, ³A New Economics for the Twenty-first Century,² which can be read at:

  • KarenRibeiro posted an update in the group IRL (In Real Life) Networking, Connections and Growth:   13 years, 9 months ago · View

    This is a very relevant title – IRL. Today, in real life, one of our amazing facilitators, John Fabel had to reluctantly step out from participating in the Resilient Business summit on 11/13. He is bringing another round of capital in for his business Sylvan Cycles – among many other things! Please check out this feature article on his extraordinarily impressive work:

  • SerahRose Roth and Ira Bryck are now friends   13 years, 9 months ago · View

  • Ira Bryck posted an update:   13 years, 9 months ago · View

    I look forward to learning and sharing what aspects of resiliency are naturally occurring, and what can be acquired. And, as my special interest is families in business, I’d be fascinated to know more about what families do and don’t do to produce more or less resiliency. My guess is that a good deal of it depends on flexibility (ie: trees that bend in a storm are less likely to break), good boundaries (ie: cell walls need to be semi permeable, so good stuff can get through, but not bad), and an ”all for one, one for all” attitude (ie: musketeers had each other’s backs, not stabbing one another)– what do you all think?

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      SerahRose Roth · 13 years, 9 months ago

      Can you clarify what you mean by ”families in business”?

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        Ira Bryck · 13 years, 9 months ago

        yes, glad you’re interested– simply, if you work with your parents, children, siblings, cousins, or any more extended or blended relations you consider family, you may be prone to certain common and predictable shortcomings, including mis-communication, unresolved childhood issues, clashing values (often introduced by in laws), differing risk tolerance, joining for reasons other than your passion, talent, excellent ability to team up with relatives, etc. You could also very well have an outstanding competitive advantage, if you’re in the minority of people who have healthy and professional functioning with family members, shared vision, have each other’s backs, make beautiful music together, and can work on building a company that brings out the best of family and their non family employees–

  • Ira Bryck became a registered member   13 years, 9 months ago · View

  • Peter Coombs became a registered member   13 years, 9 months ago · View

  • SerahRose Roth wrote a new blog post: Creating Conversation   13 years, 9 months ago · View

    ThumbnailWe’re busy planning and talking and pounding the pavement so The Resilient Businesses Summit will give you the best opportunity to give you what you need to create conversation and find proactive minds. But…we need your help! Tell us what you want to talk about. We’re splitting the day into intimate round table discussions based on what you […]

  • SerahRose Roth posted an update in the group IRL (In Real Life) Networking, Connections and Growth:   13 years, 9 months ago · View

    I just found a brand new meetup in Western Mass. This week is their first week. They’re going to get together everyother week. Looks great.

  • SerahRose Roth created the group IRL (In Real Life) Networking, Connections and Growth   13 years, 9 months ago · View

  • SerahRose Roth posted an update:   13 years, 9 months ago · View

    I’m working on tweaking this site so you can all find the discussions you’re looking for 🙂

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